Windows 11 24H2 has a bug that renders Wi-Fi connections useless, which means the PC no longer have internet access after the ...
Microsoft has confirmed an annoying bug in Windows 11 that prevents further updates of the operating system. There are still ...
Microsoft has confirmed an unusual warning for Windows users updating their PCs. If you make a simple mistake, your PC “might ...
IT之家 12 月 29 日消息,近期,Windows 11 24H2 版本再次曝出严重网络连接问题,部分用户在更新后遭遇 Wi-Fi ...
Microsoft has warned its users that a manually made Windows 11 installer media may contain a bug, which prevents new PC ...
微软确认了Windows1124H2版本中的一项新Bug,该问题可能影响玩家的游戏体验。安装了Windows1124H2版本的电脑,如果启用了自动HDR功能,可能会导致游戏显示颜色异常,甚至部分游戏会停止响应并崩溃。微软没有提及什么游戏会触发这个Bu ...
Microsoft has issued a warning to Windows 11 users about a potential issue that can prevent their systems from ...
微软确认了Windows1124H2版本中的一项新Bug,该问题可能影响玩家的游戏体验。安装了Windows1124H2版本的电脑,如果启用了自动HDR功能,可能会导致游戏显示颜色异常,甚至部分游戏会停止响应并崩溃。微软没有提及什么游戏会触发这个Bu ...
近期,微软推出的Windows 11 24H2大版本更新遭遇了初期的波折,特别是在与安全更新相关的领域暴露出一些问题。据Windows健康仪表盘网站的报告,部分通过光盘或U盘等安装介质安装Windows 11 ...
Windows1124H2:一个起步不太顺利的大版本更新近期,微软发现了一个与安全更新相关的问题,这个问题可能会对安装了特定补丁的Windows1124H2用户产生影响。根据Windows健康仪表盘网站显示,如果用户使用光盘或U盘等安 ...
Microsoft has issued a warning about a bug affecting manually created Windows 11 installer media. USB or CD media including ...