UNITED NATIONS, Oct. 9 (Xinhua) -- The UN General Assembly on Wednesday elected 18 members to the 47-member Human Rights Council for the 2025-2027 term.
同源重组对于保护停滞或塌陷的复制叉、修复染色体断裂以及减数分裂过程中的遗传信息交换都至关重要,是驱动进化的重要力量。同源重组修复相关基因突变通常会导致基因组不稳定,患乳腺癌、卵巢癌和前列腺癌等疾病的风险大大增加。同源重组修复的关键基因发生突变会导致小 ...
Keith律所代理United States Olympic and Paralympic ...
China's Commerce Minister Wang Wentao held a telephone talk with US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo on Tuesday, according to ...
This year's Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine has been awarded to the United States scientists Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun, judges at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, announced on ...
With an average annual growth rate of 12.4 percent since 2021, the added value of China's patent-intensive industries reached ...
(法新社纽约2日电) 美国东岸码头工人罢工今天进入第2天,更多劳工团体对这项行动表示支持。拜登政府则呼吁资方提出更优渥的薪酬条件,以在总统大选登场数周前终结这项影响深远的罢工行动。
NEW YORK, Oct. 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Global technology intelligence firm ABI Research recently completed its 2024 Manufacturers' Technology Adoption & Attitudes Survey, a comprehensive survey of 461 ...
The candidates vying to become the next Vice President of the United States face off in the CBS News Vice Presidential Debate.
(法新社威灵顿2日电) 美国地质调查所(United States Geological Survey)表示,东加王国今天发生规模6.6地震,没有引发海啸的威胁。