《最终幻想 7:重生》是《最终幻想 7》重制项目三部曲中的第二部,上一部是《最终幻想 7:重制版》。这款游戏目前已在 Steam 和 Epic 商店开启预购,中国区首发可享受-30% 折扣,折后价 312.2 元,豪华版 ¥401.1,相比 PS 港区 568 港币(IT之家备注:当前约 531 元人民币)算得上便宜。
Space games have been there since the beginning of video game history. Today, these five offer galactic explorers a broad mix of genres with lots of fast-paced action adventures, tricky trade ...
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is out on PC on January 23, and is also available on PlayStation 5.