Hvis du trenger svar fra oss, må du ringe eller sende e-post til veiledningstjenesten vår. Hvis du ønsker å hjelpe oss med å gjøre nettsiden bedre, kan du fortelle oss hva du lette etter i feltet ...
When you hand in an application to the police or embassy, there are a number of supporting documents you need to include. UDI has made checklists available for the various application types to help ...
If you need an answer from us, you must call or send an email to our information service. If you would like to help us with improving the website, you can tell us ...
Hvis du trenger svar fra oss, må du ringe eller sende e-post til veiledningstjenesten vår. Hvis du ønsker å hjelpe oss med å gjøre nettsiden bedre, kan du fortelle oss hva du lette etter i feltet ...
After handing in your documents to the police or the VFS Application Centre, it may take up to 8 months before we go through your application. Your waiting time may change while your application is in ...
UDI har færre saksbehandlere som jobber med søknader om norsk statsborgerskap i 2024 enn i 2023. Noen av våre saksbehandlere jobber også jobbe med andre oppgaver de neste månedene, blant annet ...
UDI has fewer caseworkers working with applications for Norwegian citizenship in 2024 than in 2023. Some of our case managers will also work with other tasks the coming months, including case ...
Har du skrudd av JavaScript i nettleseren din? For at www.udi.no skal fungere best mulig, må du skru på JavaScript. Har du skrudd av JavaScript i nettleseren din? For at www.udi.no skal fungere best ...
It is important that you apply for 2 or more entries when applying for your visa. This is required because Svalbard is not part of the Schengen area even though Svalbard is part of Norway. If you ...
Hvis du trenger svar fra oss, må du ringe eller sende e-post til veiledningstjenesten vår. Hvis du ønsker å hjelpe oss med å gjøre nettsiden bedre, kan du fortelle oss hva du lette etter i feltet ...
As of 28 September 2024, you will no longer be granted collective protection when you are from areas that are considered by the Norwegian authorities as safe. As of 15 July 2024, anyone applying for ...
You do not need to have a residence permit in Norway or to be a Norwegian citizen to get married in Norway, but your stay in Norway must be legal. In this case, a legal stay can for example mean that ...