Native Labor Code of 1878 vagrancy clause was used as an economic tool of manipulation, branding African people as vagrants ...
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a large mixing bowl add all ingredients and stir until thoroughly blended. Bake in a well-greased loaf pan for about 40 minutes. Liberia is Africa's oldest republic.
The history of Africa is deep. Dive into Africa's rich history, vibrant diaspora, global culture, mouth-watering food recipes, stunning art, fascinating people, breathtaking landscapes, and powerful ...
Pterocarpus angolensis, also known as the bloodwood tree, dragon blood tree, or Mninga in Kenya, is a large, unique tree highly valued in East and Southern Africa. The tree is so named because it ...
In the far distant past in a small garden village, there lived a young girl named Niy. Niy was known far and wide for her wisdom and kindness. She had a lush garden that she tended to with great care.
More short folklore stories from Africa to make you fall in love with myths and legends again from the motherland.
African cinema's founding fathers, the first films made by Africans produced in Africa. African film firsts are important because they represent a significant moment in the history of African cinema.
Five popular potato chip brands in Africa are Simba Chips, Chippies, Niknaks, Lays, and Safri Chips. PepsiCo owns three Simba, Chippies and Lays. What are potato chips called in Africa? It's important ...
There are many different forms of government types in Africa but really just five apply today not including local tribal leaders which wield just as much influence as official government systems ...
The potato is grown in more than 150 countries however, Egypt is Africa's number one potato producer and South Africa is sub-Saharan Africa's largest potato producer. In all African countries, ...
Pumpkins are a popular squash and Isijingi is an easy pumpkin Zulu recipe. Isijingi is a Zulu recipe of cornmeal and pumpkin, this African food recipe will be the star of any table. Isijingi is ...