In addition to degree classification we take into account other elements of the application such as supporting statement. References are optional, but can help build a stronger application if you fall ...
Admission and thesis requirements. A good Masters degree in Economics plus one reference is usually required. Students are normally registered for the MPhil degree in ...
MSc Humanitarian Action (Online) is an online degree that engages critically with the history, politics and practice of humanitarian action. Students take the core module, followed by a selection of ...
Students whose qualifications indicate that they are able to pursue independent research may be accepted to read for a research degree (MPhil/PhD) in Economics. Normally a high level Masters degree in ...
Masters students are expected to work on their dissertation throughout the summer – for these students, this period between the end of Term 3 and the programme end date is not classed as a vacation.
We will consider all applications with a 2:2 (or international equivalent) in Economics and other Social Sciences (such as Politics, Sociology, Finance, Business, International Relations, Law), as ...
This joint PhD programme delivered in partnership with the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa will coordinate a programme of work in heterodox (feminist) economics or political economy ...
Antonio Andreoni is Professor of Development Economics at the Department of Economics of SOAS University of London and Co-Director of the Centre for Sustainable Structural Transformation (CSST). He is ...
Samia teaches Family Law, Law, Multiculturalism and Rights, Criminal Justice, Race and Rights, and Research Methods in Law on the undergraduate and postgraduate programs of study in the Department of ...