As a furniture conservator or restorer, you'll use practical and scientific restoration techniques to conserve and restore antique and modern furniture. You'll also advise on its storage and ...
Professional support and guidance is vital as students and graduates re-evaluate their careers due to the pandemic, reports Prospects at Jisc Prospects surveyed more than 6,500 students and graduates ...
Ellie: So welcome, everyone. This is our next webinar in our series, our Prospects Future You webinars. This is getting women into STEM and today we have Tehreem Sheikh, who is CEO of Hire STEM women ...
Education mental health practitioner is a growing career that helps children and young people to get early intervention for mental health difficulties As an education mental health practitioner (EMHP) ...
Prospects reveals how the class of 2020 will be less prepared for work and face fewer career opportunities because of the pandemic According to new research from Prospects on graduating into a ...