IIED’s Communications Group works to ensure our evidence-based research and analysis has the greatest impact. We provide accessible, fact-based analysis to influential audiences around the world, ...
The 15th International Conference on Community-based Adaptation to Climate Change (CBA15) took place from 14-18 June 2021. In this blog, IIED senior researcher Sam Greene shares the main highlights ...
IIED is fully committed to organisational transparency. Where possible we make our institutional documents available. This page lists our policies or explains how to request them. Partnerships are at ...
IIED's Human Settlements programme works through partnerships to create towns and cities that are sustainable, prosperous, resilient, healthy and safe, and inclusive and equitable. We do this by ...
The global goal on adaptation (GGA) was established in the Paris Agreement in 2015 in response to calls from developing countries to scale up action on adaptation. Many Parties expected work arising ...
The concept of “food miles” presents an argument to buy goods which have traveled the shortest distance from farm to table, and to discriminate against long-haul transportation, especially ...