The Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) is a community of professionals and students passionate about the essential role ...
When people outside of your professional circle learn you are a food scientist, food engineer, product developer, QA/QC specialist, or any of the other scientific disciplines along the food system ...
In this white paper, the Institute of Food Technologists examines public and private funding trends, as well as the economic contribution of food, and highlights disproportional funding for food ...
A few years ago when I was travelling overseas, I came across a quote at a local establishment that struck me. The quote was something like, “There are no strangers here, only friends who have yet to ...
We’ve been living in a world forever changed by the coronavirus for a full year now. The pandemic has left in its wake not only catastrophic health impacts, but also economic, social, and ...
Researchers from the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley have found that replacing soil with recycled glass fragments sped ...
From tackling food waste to the quest for biodegradable packaging, our September Content Spotlight is all about promoting sustainability across the global food system. Below, find solutions-oriented ...
Biology. Chemistry. Physics. These disciplines provide the foundation for a young person’s introduction to the sciences throughout their formative years. For those who show an interest in continuing ...
In today’s interconnected world, most of the food we purchase and consume comes to us via global supply chains. Global food trade is crucial to support the planet’s rapidly increasing population of ...
In the first article in a two-part series, the author explores how traditional and biomass fermentation processes have and ...
Get a taste of the exceptional research shared each month. Published since 1936, the Journal of Food Science (JFS) brings peer-reviewed, original research reports and critical reviews from researchers ...
Gain access to an invaluable network, resources, and insights to help you enhance your academic experience and prepare for a future in food. Colleges and universities provide many opportunities for ...