Grand Challenges Canada, Science for Africa Foundation, Global Grand Challenges Network, and Geneva Learning Foundation launch global survey to collect insights on climate and health— Toronto, Canada ...
— Grands Défis Canada, la Science for Africa Foundation, le Global Grand Challenges Network et la Fondation Apprendre Genève lancent une enquête mondiale pour recueillir des informations sur le climat ...
The day a woman gives birth is the most dangerous day of her life. When a pregnant mother or her newborn baby is in distress, minutes matter. That’s why Kybele created a simple, highly replicable ...
With the support of Grand Challenges Canada, Dr. Pistorius is evaluating the feasibility of a portable breast microwave sensing system.
Grand Challenges Canada today announced 18 projects extending innovative forms of health-related lifelines to some of humanity’s most acutely impoverished, neglected and vulnerable women and girls, ...
Le jour où une femme accouche est le jour le plus dangereux de sa vie. Lorsque la mère enceinte ou son bébé sont en détresse, chaque minute compte. C’est pourquoi Kybele a créé un modèle simple et ...