Navitas recently unveiled its 4.5kW data center power supply, boasting an exceptional power density of 138 W/in³ and an efficiency exceeding 97%, making it a leader in the global market.
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I also hinted that I had a killer solution to the root-finding problem, and promised to show it to you some day. That day has arrived. I first wrote about this problem in 1994.[1,2,3] Those of you ...
There's a science to making promises and managing expectations. Your job may be on the line if you don't master the relevant techniques. Your next project (the one you should be working on now, rather ...
ARM has signed 35 design licensees for the AMBA design kit since its release last year. The kit provides a generic, stand-alone environment to enable the rapid creation of AMBA technology-based ...
“Basic C programming,” is an online Wikibooks resource. It is a good step up from another Wikibooks resource: “A little C primer.” It is a complete online text book that takes comprehensive look at ...
My biggest source of non-spam email comes from people asking how they, too, can become an embedded systems developer. So many, in fact, that I wrote an article about ...
For the embedded systems developer, stereotypes abound. The image of young, specialized high-tech workers toiling in a computer-filled lab, sipping Jolt cola late into the night is popular with the ...
Hardware design's growing abstraction might lead you to think open-source development is just around the corner. Jim says that's not the case. Open source is a powerful force in software development.
During the life of a project, you'll come to five forks in the road where you'll make major and irreversible decisions that can set you on the path to success or failure. Any embedded system worth the ...