Every believer and every church is called to bear witness about Christ. But until motivated by the Spirit, our public witness is often weak and fickle.
Christina Fox talks about kids’ need for a strong sense of identity that is rooted in an understanding of God as our creator, sustainer, and redeemer.
Many women and men trapped in sexual sin believe willpower is the key to overcoming temptation, but your shaky self-discipline doesn’t have to be the source of your strength. Sharing from his personal ...
Christ is the ruler of all things and sufficient for our every need. While Christians profess these truths, they sometimes struggle to apply this knowledge to their everyday lives. Thankfully, the ...
The days of rage are back. In the face of current social and political events, resentment may not be flooding the street (at least not yet), but it is raging at the level of the heart.
Through these biblical and ancient Christian prayers, offer your adoration and gratitude to God, confess your sins, and ask for help to read his word and live the Christian life.
Scripture tells us that sin is deceitful. We are often deceived into believing two lies, as we step outside of God’s boundaries and do what he has forbidden.
A question that a child might ask—maybe not directly but even indirectly and is certainly one that they are thinking about in their life—is, “What is it that makes me, me?” ...
Isn’t it interesting how God saves people? And whom God saves? And how he changes them? It’s often the people we least expect and in a way we would never expect.
For as by the one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners, so by the one man’s obedience the many will be made righteous. (Rom. 5:19) In Adam we were doomed, but in Christ we are saved! These ...
Expositional leadership is really important from a congregational level because there are going to be constant changes—not just in individual’s lives, but also in the life of the church. Some of those ...