CitizenGO - rozpoczął tę petycję do - 2023/03/09 Od 6 do 17 marca w ONZ będzie odbywała się 67. doroczna sesja Komisji ds. Statusu Kobiet (CSW), w związku z czym ...
Sign the Petition Urging the Presidential Candidates to Support 2024 Children’s Internet Safety Presidential Pledge to Address the Global Pandemic of Online Child Exploitation! While the digital world ...
This is the Treaty UN elites don't want you to see. The United Nations is once again pushing a dangerous global agenda through its new Pact for the Right to Development dictating the conditions for ...
Este es el tratado que las élites de la ONU no quieren que veas. Una vez más, las Naciones Unidas están impulsando una peligrosa agenda global a través de su nuevo Pacto por el Derecho al Desarrollo, ...
The Interior and Justice ministers of all EU countries will meet on the 9th and 10th of October 2024. One of the items on the agenda is the ‘chat control’ project. Read below what this plan is all ...
CitizenGO France a lancé cette pétition Les messages privés doivent rester secrets : votez contre le contrôle des chats par l'UE ! - 2024/10/07 L'Union européenne veut lire vos messages privés et ...
Imagine being sentenced to death for sharing a TikTok post. That’s the horrifying reality for 22-year-old Ehsan Shan, a Pakistani Christian, who now faces execution for daring to share an image of a ...
Have you heard about what the EU is doing behind closed doors? The EU is currently spending around €2.5 million on LGBT youth initiatives as part of the Erasmus+ programme. These initiatives, which ...
CitizenGO Québec a lancé cette pétition Non au traité canadien sur les pandémies ! - 2024/10/01 Imaginez un avenir où des élites mondiales non élues dictent ce que vous mangez et comment vous vivez.