…Park also urged Nam Ho-jae, the head of the Employment and Labour Ministry’s Development Cooperation Support Team, who serves as a permanent member of the Korean National Contact Point (NCP), to take ...
The EU Council has adopted new rules to improve working conditions for platform workers by increasing transparency in ...
Fair and equitable benefit-sharing models provide direct and mutually agreed benefits to Indigenous Peoples, negotiated and ...
Internationally-accepted standards of due diligence require global brands to take action in response to serious abuses across ...
Nearly 50 British MPs from seven political parties have backed a motion calling for the Labour government to impose sanctions on Israel.
"Swedish union files lawsuit against Tesla over labour conflict", 3 October 2024 ...
Clutching papers, and hope, they were among hundreds of internationally qualified nurses (IQNs) who queued for hours. They were told that without ready-to-work rights, it wasn’t worth their time ...
The 2017 French law on the corporate duty of vigilance places a due diligence duty on large French companies and requires them to publish an annual "vigilance plan." An unofficial English translation ...
能源,矿产,土地和水是过渡至低碳经济的核心,也是每个供应链的起点。然而,滥用地球资源常常牵涉滥用人权。看看为什么我们必须确保过渡快速又公平。 企业法律责任是指企业应当为侵犯人权行为所负的法律责任,包括法律和诉讼两个方面。本页面提供 ...
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