The collaboration includes investments in the Otaniemi area, business and innovation activities, and efforts to integrate ...
Yhteistyö sisältää panostuksia Otaniemeen, yritys- ja innovaatiotoimintaan sekä kansainvälisten osaajien juurtumiseen.
Craig Carlson is developing educational content for the target audience of lifewide learning, such as adult learners in ...
Pengxin Wang’s AScI internship advanced AI research, fostered global friendships, and inspired his journey toward trustworthy ...
Our main research areas are algebra and discrete mathematics, analysis, applied mathematics and mechanics, stochastics and statistics, and systems analysis and operations research. We offer major and ...
Craig Carlson tunnistaa ja kehittää opetussisältöjä elämänlaajuisen oppimisen kohderyhmille, kuten työelämässä oleville aikuisoppijoille.
The Talent Boost programme aims to attract specialists, workers, students, and researchers to Finland and to promote their integration into the country. Talent Boost is a national initiative, ...
Professor Mikko Möttönen has received a three-year grant from Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation for quantum error correction. His research team is developing a ...
The HCNN seminar will showcase different viewpoints to the common interest, neurodegerative diseases, in the form of presentations about research projects. Alongside compact presentations, there will ...
Opponent: Professor Maik Pietzner, Precision Healthcare University Research Institute, Queen Mary University of London & Berlin Institute of Health (BIH), Germany Custos: Professor Juho Rousu, Aalto ...
Senior University Lecturer Arto Hellas was elected the Computer Science teacher of the year 2024. Arto received praise for his teaching methods and for creating a study environment that supports ...
Professori Matti Rossi vastaanotti palkinnon ICIS-konferenssissa Bangkokissa 16. joulukuuta 2024. Association for Information Systems (AIS) -järjestö myönsi professori Matti Rossille ja hänen ...