In fact, there are other cops who have been caught on camera using a lot more force with civilians. And let's not forget ...
Whether lethal force was justifiable is another question, but today the ComPol came clean about his error. Meanwhile the officer has turned to the court of public opinion. Courtney Menzies has this ...
Belize City firefighters are planning a go-slow after they were informed that their overtime pay would be cut, effective immediately. It's the final straw for these firefighters after years of issues ...
Elodio Aragon, Resigns as Orange Walk East Standard Bearer "I think everybody knows where I stand. Everybody knows that I support Tracy, right? But it's just a matter that I put it out there because ...
In a report published by SIB on Inflation rates for select major categories in December of 2024 show that there has been a 2.6% increase on personal care, social protection and miscellaneous goods and ...
The shooting of Emil Rivers in Independence has once again brought to the fore the subject of police and mentally ill persons. As you saw in that video, it was a standoff, but the only intervention ...
And while there's Chester's justice for the GG's dog, there's no justice for Nipsey - the dog who got shot in the face by the cops.
Today the SIB also hosted a validation session for something called "the 2024 Tool For Assessing Statistical Capacity". It's an instrument used to advance the capabilities of the national statistical ...
The letter says, quote, "Following the surprise Government of Belize acquisition of the Port, on behalf of our Stevedore Members CWU compromised and made significant sacrifices to resolve legacy ...
On behalf of Belize, Ambassador Assad Shoman presented as part of what is being called The Hague Group. He stated that Belize has applied to intervene in South Africa's case against Israel at the ICJ.
Police arrested and charge 30 year old Kyle Zetina, who appeared before Justice Candace Nanton today, and was found guilty of three counts of murder. Zetina's trial began in June of 2024 alongside his ...
Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police "Again, a media house posted last night Murder in Fresh Pond, body has multiple gunshot wounds. I'm like, Jesus Christ, have mercy. Your friends, Mr. Lopez." ...