Assuming positive intent means that, instead of jumping to conclusions when someone says or does something that could be ...
Amelia is the Vice President of Sales at PromoCorner and has been in the industry since 2012. She's spent the majority of her career as a service provider helping suppliers deliver their story to the ...
Resiliency: The act of springing back, rebounding, or resiling. In other words, when you get knocked down, don’t stay down. Bounce back stronger than ever. If you’re like me, you fell over and skinned ...
Amelia is the Vice President of Sales at PromoCorner and has been in the industry since 2012. She's spent the majority of her career as a service provider helping suppliers deliver their story to the ...
A business woman - My cousins & I had a company named "NicWhitJacks" (named after ourselves - Nicole, Whitney, Jackie) - can't make this stuff up!
Can you guess what it is? Find out on this week's buildingU episode.
The relationships in this industry are rock solid. We are with our work family as much as our actual family. Right now it's the freedom I have with my time, but over the years it's been the ...