Il programma di sostegno alle registe mira a supportare e dare potere alle donne nel cinema provenienti dai sei paesi in cui ...
06/01/2025 - Le Programme de soutien aux femmes cinéastes a pour fin d'épauler et de donner des moyens aux réalisatrices des ...
Emilia Pérez triomphe avec quatre prix et The Brutalist avec trois, tandis que Flow fait la surprise dans la catégorie de ...
Emilia Pérez trionfa con quattro statuette, mentre The Brutalist segue con tre, e Flow brilla come vincitore a sorpresa nella ...
Emilia Pérez triunfa con cuatro estatuillas y The Brutalist le sigue de cerca con tres, mientras Flow da la sorpresa al ganar ...
Emilia Pérez triumphs with four statuettes and The Brutalist follows with three, with Flow shining bright as the surprise ...
06/01/2025 - The “Female Filmmakers Support Programme” aims to support and empower women in film from the six countries where UNIQA Insurance operates in South East Europe The “Female Filmmakers ...
06/01/2025 - The prize supports high-quality drama series produced as international co-productions, fostering cross-border collaborations and aligning with European standards of excellence The ...
03/01/2025 - Un'intervista con il regista della serie, un ritratto inedito di Benito Mussolini, che si rispecchia in alcuni ...
02/01/2025 - French movies dominated the box office last year, with an enormous market share and two features topping the overall rankings Despite the start of the year being impacted by the dearth of ...
El cine galo domina la taquilla del año pasado con una gran porción del mercado y dos largometrajes a la cabeza de la ...