The Prior General of the Order, Fr. Miguel Angel Hernandez, concluded last week his fraternal visit to the communities in ...
After 125 years of presence in Brazil, René González explains the projects of ARCORES and the work of the missionaries in the country. The school In Imum Cordis of the Order of Augustinian Recollects ...
Since March 2022, the “Brinquedoteca e o Restaurante da Criança” (Portel) project has been operating at full capacity, benefiting 250 children and adolescents from Portel. In addition to guaranteeing ...
A sus 87 años, el padre Teodoro, con una vida plena de entrega y servicio, reflexiona sobre su recorrido como agustino recoleto: «he pasado por varios ministerios, en América y Europa: Colombia, ...
At 87 years of age, Fr. Teodoro, with a life full of dedication and service, reflects on his journey as an Augustinian Recollect: “I have gone through various ministries, in America and Europe: ...
Follow Follow Follow Follow Quem somos? Origem e carisma Estrutura Organismos Secretaria de Espiritualidade e Formação Secretaria de Apostolado Secretaria de Vocações e Juventude ...
A sus 87 años, el padre Teodoro, con una vida plena de entrega y servicio, reflexiona sobre su recorrido como agustino recoleto: «he pasado por varios ministerios, en América y Europa: Colombia, ...
Santa Teresa de Jesús, una de las figuras más destacadas de la espiritualidad cristiana, encontró en San Agustín una inspiración poderosa que influyó tanto en su vida como en su obra. Este vínculo se ...
St. Teresa’s first exposure to St. Augustine occurred during her adolescence, when she was sent to the Augustinian convent of ...
The fourth edition of the Casiciaco Dialogues was held this October 11, 2024 under the motto “Who sings, prays twice”, coinciding with the launch of the channel Recoletos Music channel on Spotify and ...
La cuarta edición de los Diálogos de Casiciaco se ha celebrado este 11 de octubre 2024 bajo el lema «Quien canta, ora dos veces», coincidiendo con el lanzamiento del canal Recoletos Music en Spotify y ...