Actor Elliot Page and developer Quantic Dream are developing a TV show based on the 2013 PS3 game Beyond: Two Souls.
First released for PlayStation 3 way back in 2013, Beyond: Two Souls is another stylish but somewhat nonsensical narrative ...
Quantic Dream’s Beyond: Two Souls is set to be adapted into a TV series. The rights to make a TV series based on the ...
Beyond: Two Souls orginally launched in 2013 as a PlayStation exclusive and was ported to PC in 2015. According to the LinkedIn page of Quantic Dream CEO Guillaume de Fondaumière, the game has sold ...
Yet another video game is being adapted into a different medium. Quantic Dream's Beyond: Two Souls is bound for TV screens.
I dislike talking about David Cage's oeuvre as much as most of you do, but this is a head-scratcher worth talking about: ...
Elliot Page’s PageBoy Productions has acquired the rights to adapt 2013 adventure game Beyond: Two Souls into a television ...
期待已久的消息终于来袭!Quantic Dream备受瞩目的心理动作惊悚游戏《超凡双生》 (Beyond: Two Souls)即将迎来电视剧化的重大转变。著名演员艾伦·佩吉通过她的Pageboy Productions公司,成功购买了该游戏的改编权,意图将这一经典故事搬上荧幕。
Beyond: Two Souls, the Quantic Dream-made interactive thriller starring Elliot Page and Willem Dafoe, is being adapted for TV ...
Quantic Dream's story-driven video games including Detroit: Become Human and Heavy Rain seem like ideal titles to be adapted ...
Page says he wants to "create a unique vision of the characters and their journeys that resonates with fans and newcomers." ...
11 天
Playstation Lifestyle on MSNRights to PS3’s Beyond: Two Souls Acquired for a Project No One ExpectedFrom Sonic the Hedgehog to Fallout, there are more and more quality shows and films to watch based on some of the most ...