"Most of the traditional farming practices are not ecologically sustainable in Pakistan. Natural resources are being misused, reducing soil fertility, causing erosion, and contributing to climate ...
The Hunan Provincial Two Sessions are in full swing, attracting significant attention from many foreign friends in Hunan. Naveed, from Pakistan, is the first foreign student at University of South Chi ...
"It’s truly wonderful to be amidst such a diverse crowd celebrating their traditions and discovering new opportunities," remarked Waseem Zuberi, a Pakistani merchant who is exhibiting for his fourth ...
(法新社伊斯兰马巴德10日电) 致命空难频传、曾爆出机师冒牌执照丑闻的巴基斯坦国有航空公司,在欧洲联盟主管机关解除为期4年禁飞令后,今天恢复飞欧洲航班。 法新社记者看见,巴基斯坦国际航空公司(Pakistan International Airlines)这个航班于当地时间中午12时40分从伊斯兰马巴德起飞,成为唯一直航欧盟的航空公司。