若某事情 moves the needle,意即它会为一个形势,例如选举,带来巨大的改变。在最近那几次选举之中,也出现过几个10月惊奇(October ...
纽约州州长侯可(Kathy Hochul)于15日派遣州警协助纽约市警察局(NYPD),扫荡皇后区西北部的杰克森高地(Jackson Heights)一个充满犯罪和性工作者的街区,因为该区的妓院数量已经多过杂货店,伴随而来的治安问题 ...
A man with a deck of playing cards is stopped by Disney security. Shanghai Disneyland apologized on Thursday for blocking a ...
The Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway, celebrating its first anniversary on Thursday, has transported 5.79 million ...
《国家空间科学中长期发展规划(2024—2050年)》提出我国空间科学发展“三步走”战略目标:2027年空间科学研究水平整体跃升;2035年重点方向跻身国际前列;2050年重要领域国际领先,成为世界空间科学强国。规划提出了我国拟突破的“极端宇宙”“时 ...
On October 14th, Guangdong announced 20 initiatives to seize the strategic opportunities in commercial space development. By ...
The 136th Canton Fair opened in Guangzhou on Tuesday. With an exhibition area of 1.55 million square meters and 74,000 booths ...
The 136th Canton Fair is here, running from October 15th to November 4th.You might remember the highlights from the last fair ...
FDA 已批准 UCB 的新型 320 毫克单次注射装置 Bimzelx (bimekizumab) 的扩大适应症,用于治疗中度至重度斑块状银屑病和活动性银屑病关节炎。据该公司称,预充式注射器和自动注射器选项允许单次 2 ...
The 136th Canton Fair is being held from October 15 to November 4 in Guangzhou, split into three phases. The online platform ...
离众绝致  LI ZHONG JUE ZHI刘进安当代水墨研究展策展人 / 孙磊  Curator / Sun Lei学术支持 / 王春辰  孙欣  Academic support / Wang Chunchen  Sun Xin出品人 / ...