Legendary Sunil Gavaskar on Sunday told Mutyala, father of India all-rounder Nitish Kumar Reddy, that his sacrifices have helped the nation unearth "a gem in cricket".
Stephen A. Smith discusses the lessons he learned from his pastor at his father's funeral, reflects on his mother's influence ...
KARACHI, Dec 25 (APP): Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah visited the mausoleum of Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah to pay homage to the father of the nation on the occasion of his 148th birth ...
Martin Luther King III, the son of civil rights advocate Martin Luther King Jr., said his father would be “quite disappointed ...
Dr. Abdul Basit (Historian): Nation is celebrating the 145th birth anniversary of great leader Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Quaid-e-Azam gave strength to the Pakistan Movement and his party ...
The new textbooks for primary and secondary students have several changes, The Daily Star newspaper said. The textbooks also removed the title “Father of the Nation” for Mujibur Rahman. The new ...
Chief Adviser Muhammad Yunus today urged all to engage themselves in the work of nation-building being imbued with patriotism-based ideals of Michael Madhusudan Dutt, legendary Bangla poet and father ...
Officials say a waitress who jumped out of a burning hotel at a popular ski resort has succumbed to her injuries, becoming ...
Cardinal Timothy Dolan and Father Frank Mann opened and closed the prayers of invocation and benediction at the inauguration of the new presidential administration.
The late William Paul McCartney has been deservedly memorialized. The Hall of Fame football coach will be tremendously missed ...
The nation celebrated 148th birthday of Father of the Nation Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah today, with renewed commitment to work hard for progress and prosperity of the country. Today was a public ...
Smith explained a valuable lesson he learned from his pastor shortly before giving a eulogy at his father's funeral. Smith said in an interview with Sean Hannity on the new two-part Fox Nation ...