The video went viral on social media on Christmas Eve 2024, however, it reportedly dates back to November 27, 2023. Thus, it roughly translates to the fact that no such billboard display took ...
While technical systems are expected to experience only moderate effects during the storm, the solar flare that triggered these CMEs caused a brief shortwave radio blackout over parts of Africa ...
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a mental health condition that causes excessive worry accompanied by other symptoms. It is one of the anxiety disorders. Your healthcare provider can help you ...
Wayfair’s Bengaluru TDC has achieved in two years what typically takes companies three or four years. With 500 employees already on board, the centre has rapidly scaled its operations with an ...
The treatment for leukemia depends on many factors, including the type, subtype, and stage of the disease, and a person’s age and general health. Treatment typically involves powerful chemotherapy, ...
From Tarun Tahiliani‘s concept saree to Rimzim Dadu’s metallic cord saree, here’s how designers reinvented the six yards The saree is being reinvented by designers who are blending tradition ...
The length and drape of the sari varies; some may be less than the traditional six yards, like the half sari, while others like the Maharashtrian Nauvari or the Tamilian Madisar is nine yards.