In December 2024, WhatsApp introduced several new video calling features, including the ability to select specific participants from a group to make a call, rather than calling all group members.
Furthermore, users can now share sticker packs through WhatsApp chats, facilitating more dynamic and expressive conversations. Another helpful enhancement is the ability to double-tap a message to ...
Legacy Corporate Lending provided a $25 million asset-based credit facility to American Technologies, LLC (doing business as “888VoIP”). Founded in 2006 and headquartered in Orchard Park, New York, ...
We appreciate Patrick's dedication to Sonos." Mr. Genachowski continued, "Tom's mandate is to improve the Sonos core experience for our customers, while optimizing our business to drive innovation and ...
A man was arrested for allegedly operating an illegal call centre and selling controlled medications to US citizens without authorisation, a Thane police officer said on Saturday. Akash Ravendrasingh ...
A man was arrested for allegedly operating an illegal call centre and selling controlled medications to US citizens without authorisation, a Thane police official said on Saturday. Akash Ravendrasingh ...