Morbius in Spider-Man: The Animated Series is a disturbing vampire with terrifying features and powers. The Symbiote Sisters in Marvel's Spider-Man have a more visceral and disturbing design ...
Symbiotes, and Mephisto, so what exactly is this movie going to be?! According to scooper @MyTimeToShineH, "[It's] worth noting that the Spider-Man 4 script is currently being rewritten ...
Spider-Man and his allies are the guardians of the Web of Life and Destiny. However, the rise of a new Symbiote Hive-Mind ... he enjoys role-playing, cosplay and photography.
On Earth-616, Eddie Brock eventually made his peace with Spider-Man. However ... albeit not in the classic symbiote form. Octavius figured out a way to awake an advanced AI in the next-generation ...