If you own Sony's latest console, then getting the best SSD for PS5 should be your top priority. There's no getting around the fact that game sizes are only increasing, with many top releases ...
在Reddit论坛上,一位用户发现他的PlayStation 5在其使用期间积累了超过2000个视频片段。这是因为,发帖者并不知道,PS5会在你获得每个奖杯时自动保存一段15秒长的视频。这是PS5的默认设置,并且在你首次设置主机时,没有任何选项或提示让你禁用此功能。由于玩家很容易在不知不觉中获得大量简单奖杯,这意味着你的PS5可能充满了数百个小视频片段。
With PS5 games getting bigger each year and SSD prices rising, we want to make sure you can find the best amount of storage for the lowest price possible. Here, we'll point you in the direction of ...
新年伊始,我们收到了致态旗下首款 PCIe5.0 规格的旗舰存储产品—— TiPro9000 固态硬盘。看着它每秒 14000MB 和 12500MB ...
随着次世代游戏主机的竞争越来越激烈,PlayStation 5(PS5)在市场上的表现可谓是异军突起。据数据显示,截止目前,PS5不仅在全球范围内销售表现亮眼,甚至以超过3600万台的销量遥遥领先Xbox Series S和Xbox Series X(以下简称XSS|X)。
近日,华为在京东平台悄然上线了一款新产品——坤灵eKitStor Xtreme 200E ...
Table of Contents Our favorite PS5 SSD deal More PS5 SSD deals we like Why you need a specific PS5 SSD When the PlayStation 5 first came out, it was a pretty big leap from the PS4, but ...
From the advanced DualSense Edge Pro controller to the beautiful PlayStation Icons Light, here are the best PS5 gifts for every gamer. Furthermore, it is not necessary for the SSD to have a ...
时间匆匆流过,转眼又到了2024年年末。在这一年间,IT行业各领域持续推出众多新品,其中不乏对行业发展带来深刻影响,体现技术、设计革新的产品。在年终之时,《微型计算机》2024年度硬件盘点如期启动。作为一年一度的重磅科技产品颁奖盛典,我们将与大家一起 ...
SSD prices increased significantly in 2024, thanks to higher demand and lower supply. However, in 2025, the prices have come down quite a bit, and there are some great deals right now.
翼龙 S30 为入门级 PCIe 4.0 SSD,采用单面 3D NAND 颗粒 + 最大 400GB 动态 SLC 缓存,读取速度为 3500MB/s,写入速度则根据容量的不同,500GB / 1TB 规格为 2200MB/s,2TB 规格则为 ...