On Thursday, a slow-motion video emerged on social media, thanks to @dckerNBC4. According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, "The coach would later call his former player and apologize over a Zoom ...
A new study is “a bit of a counterweight to the endless hyperbole about how incredibly complex and powerful the human brain is,” one researcher said. By Carl Zimmer In our digital age, few ...
The holidays are here and many of the best computers that manufacturers have to offer have flown off the shelves and into brightly-wrapped boxes. There's a ne'er-do-well lurking underneath that ...
We all like to think of ourselves as quick-witted, but a new study from Caltech calculates that our brains process information at the extremely slow speed of around 10 bits per second.
Enjoy more time with loved ones this season with the help of your slow cooker. Macie Stump is a senior in journalism at Iowa State University. She is a part of the highly-selective Dotdash Meredith ...
According to new research published in Neuron, human beings think at a fixed, excruciatingly slow speed of about 10 bits per second—they remember, make decisions and imagine things at that pace.