Maki Teshima’s “Botanical Stories” is a sculpture, technically, but it feels more like a three-dimensional painting. Visitors are invited to walk right inside of it.
I really thought I would like this one going into the store, and after putting it on, I can tell you I was right ... It comes in black and an almost green-gray shade, and honestly, I am obsessed.
He said citizens could easily submit complaints online, eliminating the need for in-person visits. To ensure that no issue is missed, the system automatically sorts and stores complaints.
All federally regulated financial institutions (banks, authorized foreign banks, federal credit unions and federally regulated trust, loan and insurance companies) must have a complaint-handling ...
The e-CMS will also leverage AI capabilities, including natural language processing (NLP) and ARTABLE predictive features. The system then will automatically sort and store complaints to ensure that ...
Microsoft points to Google’s recently publicized €470 million offer to CISPE (another European cloud service industry group) to continue its antitrust complaint against Microsoft, which ...