The Mumbai police arrested a 38-year-old woman for allegedly assaulting a five-year-old girl with a hot iron rod for hiding the woman’s pet cat. The girl’s family alerted the police following which an ...
Michael Alan Ross is an automotive author, photographer and filmmaker. His recent publicagtion Porsche Outlaws: Stuttgart Hot Rods is a visually captivating book that dives into the subculture of ...
Sir Rod Stewart was pictured cheering on Celtic rocking a yellow Hoops jacket during 2025's first Old Firm match. The 79-year-old rocker and his son, Alastair Stewart, were snapped up watching the ...
Sir Rod Stewart was pictured cheering on Celtic rocking a yellow Hoops jacket during 2025's first Old Firm match. The 79-year-old rocker and his son, Alastair Stewart, were snapped up watching the ...
As Netflix pours more of its resources into original content, Amazon Prime Video is picking up the slack, adding new movies for its subscribers each month. Its catalog has grown so impressive ...