Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) most often attacks and damages joints in your hands, feet, wrists, knees, neck, and spine ... The more severe your PsA symptoms, the more likely you will have gum ...
Stress can trigger or worsen arthritis symptoms: Stressful life events or ongoing stress can trigger the onset of rheumatoid arthritis symptoms or worsen existing arthritis conditions ...
Following a prescribed medication regimen is vital to control rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), biologics, and corticosteroids can help reduce ...
During the cold winter months, people with arthritis may experience a flare-up in their symptoms. Their joint pain may worsen, or they may feel more rigid or uneasy. However, not everyone with ...
These nerves carry movement and sensory signals to the arm and hand. Symptoms can include pain in the arm or hand along with numbness and weakness. Brachial plexus injuries usually occur after an ...