2) Salah (ritual prayer) Salah or ritual prayer is an essential aspect of Islamic worship and involves conforming to the will of Allah. Muslims pray five times a day, facing the Kaaba in Mecca ...
Through the labor of our hands, we bring God's blessing upon ourselves and others. Let us pray for all who will work here and for those who will share the fruit of their labor. Then the Scripture ...
And grant us your salvation. As circumstances suggest, the celebrant may begin with an explanation of the blessing. Someone reads a text of sacred Scripture, such as the following. Lk 2:51b ...
Celtic blessings are the perfect way to describe the dark element of this Irish festival and we hope that this poem and blessing will bring you a very spooky but happy Halloween. The ancient ...
Occasionally they pray in small groups, which they find a good way of including children in the intercessions. Some have suggested using extempore prayer with the whole congregation free to join in, ...