Flake in the salmon, then season well with salt and pepper and add the lemon zest and dill ... Serve the fish cakes with a dollop of salmon caviar and the tartare sauce on the side.
You could also create a Mediterranean-inspired marinade for chicken with fish sauce, lemon juice, thyme, paprika, and olive oil. If you've ever wondered why so many Southeast Asian soups seem to ...
The semolina on top of the salmon gives a lovely crust and the paprika adds to the flavour and colour. The sauce is bursting with sharpness and samphire is a lovely, salty, green plant that grows ...
Ceviche is a seafood dish where diced cubes of raw fish, marinated in a lemon or lime juice mixture, react with the citrus juices to cure ... Ecuadorian ceviche tosses shrimp and tomato sauce into the ...