【导语】:10月8日-12日,堂食、自助点餐(扫码点餐+预点餐+外带自取)及必胜客宅急送官方网络订餐渠道可参与69元2个披萨活动。 温馨 ...
近日,小林家披萨在山东迎来多店开业,新店开业期间,线下门店人头攒动,慕名而来的顾客纷纷涌入门店打卡品尝美食,点 ...
Sprinkle some breadcrumbs on two large flat baking sheets and place the pizza bases on them. Spread a little of the tomato evenly over each base - not put too much as the pizza will go soggy.
King Arthur has been included in a local council's LGBTQ+ history timeline because he was once mentioned to have wore women's clothing in folklore. The Welsh ruler, frequently mentioned in the ...
国庆黄金周即将来临,必胜客联动知名珠宝品牌周大生推出“超级黄金周”福利活动,购买超级至尊披萨系列或指定套餐,即 ...
An origin story of the King Arthur legend begins with the young warrior learning of his royal lineage when he finds Excalibur.
Who was King Arthur and how Welsh was he? These are two of the questions up for debate at a new exhibition at the National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth. From ancient Brythonic warlord to mythical ...
King Arthur may have been LGBTQ+, according to a Welsh council’s history material. The legendary ruler is best known for his mythical quest for the Holy Grail, but Denbighshire council has ...
Arlington, Virginia-based Neapolitan pizza chain Pupatella remains in expansion mode, with three new locations and negotiations for others, after recently securing funding for continued growth.
披萨小朋友都喜欢,今天分享一个非常快手,用蛋挞皮做的披萨! 步骤1、先来个成品图 步骤2、食材准备 步骤3、玉米粒豌豆粒一起焯水,捞出沥水 ...
Sally: No one actually knows if King Arthur ever really existed. Stories have been told about him for over a thousand years, but we don't know if he ever really lived, or if there really were any ...