Here are the four straightforward but intimidating steps to jailbreak your Kindle. Amazon needs better quality control, ...
Unfortunately — like all Kindle apps — you are unable to purchase books directly on your Apple computer. The workaround is to purchase from Amazon and have the book immediately delivered to ...
Here is a Kindle hack that perhaps is the simplest while providing unrestricted access to the underlying hardware. The hack ...
Get started using whatever software you want, thanks to this new Amazon Kindle jailbreak that works on even the latest ...
A simple way is to plug your Kindle device into your PC and copy and paste ebooks onto it. Use Amazon's Send to Kindle ...
While Amazon doesn’t make it easy to do that, a new tool called WinterBreak takes advantage of a security vulnerability in ...
Well, it finally happened. My 2021 Kindle Paperwhite, which I’ve had for years and still use on a nightly basis, started showing its age and slowing down. Not only was it slow to boot up, but it ...