A good cabbage soup recipe is fantastic comfort food and healthy! Making filling but healthy soups, as a bonus, this cab ...
Medically reviewed by Aviv Joshua, MS, RDN The flexitarian diet follows a semi-vegetarian eating pattern that emphasizes ...
Biorhythms play an important role in how the body handles food. People who skip breakfast report not feeling satisfied by ...
A very popular diet with Gen Z is the keto diet, which is when a person will abstain from carbohydrates of any form, only ...
While the keto diet may help you lose weight, it could interact with harmful bacteria and raise your risk of colon cancer, a ...
The Independent Pharmacy's Senior Clinical Advisor Dr Donald Grant has warned the downsides of the plan could be far more extensive than many realise.
Without sufficient vitamin B12, you may experience weakness, numbness, difficulty walking, nausea, weight loss, irritability, fatigue, and an increased heart rate. It could even affect your bones, ...
Olivia Khwaja, 50, from Ascot, Berkshire, cut out plant-based foods entirely to focus solely on animal products such as steak ...
In April, he turned to intermittent fasting with an eight-hour eating window and in May, he tested the paleo diet. With its ...
People with bipolar disorder who followed a ketogenic diet for at least six weeks found that their symptoms improved, a new ...
A mum who only ate meat, fish, eggs and full-fat dairy for two years has revealed what sort of impact the dramatic diet had ...
What's Trending in Nutrition survey, conducted by Pollock Communications and Today's Dietitian, reveals the top nutrition ...