Actor and fitness icon Sahil Khan has set a new benchmark in luxury and style by gifting himself a stunning limited edition Rolex Rainbow watch worth ₹4 crore. This exquisite timepiece not only ...
Stuffed porpoise stomachs and blood custard for the rich, pickled carrots for the poor, and ale for all. Europeans in the Middle Ages ate some weird freaking stuff. These actors never use their real ...
Putting one foot in front of the other is a simple way to reduce your risk of chronic disease. Here are tips from an expert on incorporating more walking into your daily routine. The Latest Want ...
Officers and crew aboard a French nuclear submarine have accidentally blown their cover as well as their location and schedule by recording their runs and jogs on a fitness app. The nuclear ...
Here’s how it works. The best fitness trackers you can buy today range in price from just under $50 to several hundred dollars. For 2025, we've rounded up and tested every popular model out ...
Picking the best fitness tracker will depend on your individual needs. Unlike smartwatches, there is no one-size-fits-all option in the fitness tracker world. The landscape has also changed ...
JUST when Davy Fitzgerald thought he was out, Antrim pulled him back in. The Clare icon, 53, was ready to retire from county management when his second stint as Waterford boss finished last July.
But what is “high-end fitness equipment” anyway? Essentially, we’re talking about luxury, all-in-one workout stations that can fit in most houses or apartments. This could take the form of a ...