Bollywood’s Greek God Hrithik Roshan turned 51 on Friday. His ladylove actress Saba Azad dropped some unseen selfies of her Instagram feed while wishing him. The actress shared several selfies clicked ...
Karan Johar and Farah Khan are two of the most prominent filmmakers in Bollywood. As the 'Om Shanti Om' maker turned 60 on 9th January 2025, KJo penned a special birthday post on his official ...
The Prince of Wales, 42, is “seizing” more power from his cancer-stricken father, King Charles, as he nears his ascension to the throne, according to a new report.
Joanna Gaines celebrates her daughter Emmie Kay's 15th birthday with pink and white decorations in her dining room, saying, "What a gift she is to our family." ...
The Brother Rice Warriors held off the defending Division 2 state champion Lincoln Abes, 69-57, in the Motor City Roundball Classic at Ferndale High School on Saturday, Dec. 28.