Discover how the right music can boost your workout. Increase motivation, reduce effort, and enhance performance.
My workout playlists are the product of so many pet theories and half-forgotten experiments they sometimes catch me unawares. Earlier this year, I found myself performing callisthenics in the ...
We all know listening to music helps to make a workout more enjoyable, but research has revealed a number of other ways plugging in our headphones can help us during exercise. Whether we’re ...
Listen to a 90-minute rock music workout playlist to keep you motivated in the gym and energized to keep your New Year's ...
Listen to a hip-hop workout playlist to help you achieve your exercise goals, with the hottest rap tracks for gym rats or New ...
I am a music fiend. I pop on a set of workout headphones at pretty much every opportunity and listen to my favorite tracks, new discoveries, and, when I'm training, the best new workout music.
Along with losing weight, one of the most popular new year's resolutions is "to do more exercise". Although any form of exercise is better than none, "brisk" exercise seems to be particularly good ...
Exclusive: Two Manhattan women claim they haven’t had a decent night’s sleep in a year, as their beds literally start ...