A computer-animated action-adventure comedy film series that follows the adventures of Lightning McQueen and Mater, set in a world populated entirely by anthropomorphic cars and other vehicles.
Petrolheads planning to sit back and watch some festive classics over Christmas have been urged to keep an eye out for some ...
At this prime movie-bingeing season, here are some of the most notable vehicles we've seen on the screen. Some are legendary, others obscure, all worth watching.
I went through all that stuff, drove the cars, bought liquor, chased girls." The lead roles in the film went to Ron Howard, Richard Dreyfuss, Paul LeMat, Cindy Williams, Mackenzie Phillips ...
Another way to blow up an auction is with a ride that has provenance, meaning the car has an interesting history. It could be a famous racer, a celebrity-owned vehicle, or better yet, a movie star ...