Sleep disorders are fairly common in older adults, resulting in many getting less sleep than they need. This may be due to reasons including: medications health issues underlying sleep disorders ...
Playing calming music at dinner time can stop you from wolfing down your food, a study has suggested. Individuals eat quicker and take fewer bites when faster-tempo music is playing in the ...
Stay Calm, Sleep, and 5 More Tips for a Long and Healthy Life There are no silver bullets—no drug you can take, no food you can eat—that guarantees longevity. A lot of Americans figure ...
This drink boosts serotonin, helping you drift into a peaceful sleep. This gentle herb lulls your mind to rest with a dose of natural tranquility. It calms your stomach and drives away tension, ...
listening to soft music or a podcast, or sleep meditation can all help if you have trouble sleeping. Try some guided meditation for sleep, like our Beditation relaxation video, or read about how ...
A relaxing lavender pillow spray can help you get to sleep by calming down your senses. Aromasong lavender pillow spray is infused with lavender essential oils and is safe for daily use.