This discovery is significant because there are currently no effective treatments for any type of dementia, including FTD. Restoring progranulin production might slow or stop the progression of ...
and treatment. It can also help people to manage their symptoms and avoid ending up in crisis. We welcome the drive to ensure more people get a dementia diagnosis and the life-changing help they ...
The doctor said his pulse rate is low, and the medications have a tendency to lower the pulse even more, which can be dangerous. His Alzheimer's stage is 4-5, and his MMSE score was 5 out of 30. Is ...
Blarcamesine potential novel oral treatment to target upstream Alzheimer’s disease pathology through autophagy enhancement Impairment of autophagy precedes both amyloid beta and tau tangles, and ...
One in five Britons now spend a total of £450 million a year on treatments such as acupuncture, osteopathy, homeopathy and aromatherapy. But many people don't realise that alternative treatments ...