12月25日,深圳市宝安区西乡街道网格员在辖区巡查时发现一超市涉嫌以清仓促销售卖假烟,随即联合职能部门将其查处,现场共依法查扣假烟62条,价值1.8万余元。当天下午,该街道共乐社区网格巡查中队网格员巡查至共和工业路一商铺时,发现一家小型超市正在清仓促 ...
近日,深圳市龙华区观澜街道新澜社区组织网格员对辖区内烟花爆竹销售和存储区域展开全面排查。网格员根据所获线索定点摸排,发现一出租屋内违规储存大量烟花爆竹,迅速上报并协助执法部门进行查处,及时消除了安全隐患,维护了辖区平安。12月24日晚,龙华区观澜街道 ...
Dan Mahle (138 pounds) pinned Evan Bixby late in the first period, with Kole Smith (145 pounds) handling Landen Lawrence 10-3. Mike Keville’s 57-second fall over 152-pound opponent Levi Case led to ...
The Aftermarket Auto Parts Alliance announced promotion of Kris Goldman Vice President & General Manager of Alliance Parts ...
In 2001, as The Great Khali was training to become a professional wrestler, a move gone wrong killed a student he was in the ...
The Alliance announced the promotion of Kris Goldman to the role of vice president & general manager of Alliance Parts ...
The Claremont Fire Department acted quickly and efficiently in knocking down a fire on the fourth floor of Marion Phillips Apartments on Wednesday night, holding the fire to one room and stopping it ...
深冬时节,澜沧县酒井哈尼族乡的云海变幻莫测,美不胜收。云雾在山间聚散开合,山峰在云海中若隐若现,宛如一幅精美的水墨画。清晨,第一缕阳光洒在大地上,酒井乡酒房村大路老寨炊烟袅袅升起,黄阿使一家早早准备好了工具,上山寻找野生橄榄枝。橄榄枝是哈尼族传统美食 ...
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Parenting often feels like walking a tightrope, balancing responsibilities, emotions, and the unique needs of each child.
冬天当然要格雷!灰色系稳定干净的气质让它具有超高适配性,可正式可休闲,风格多变,稍加组合和修饰就能应对各种场景。 尤其是冬天不想太锋利,就可以舍弃黑白,用灰色这种略带温吞的色调来演绎。灰色自带理性的克制感,但又很适合略带文艺的知识分子风。
When it's time for him to leave for the forest, Rajkumar (name changed) packs his shoes, a sweater, a sickle, and a stick into a bag and sets off alon.
Here are The Citizen's top five local high school athletes of the week — vote for your favorite, or add a name in the ...