Based on the complaint of Sub Inspector Varun Kumar Rakesh in Bhimpura police station, the FIR was lodged on Saturday night against SP leader Fateh Bahadur Yadav, Seema Bharti, Pushpa Devi, Sanju Devi ...
"It was like a medium size, and it had lots of branches," Abby ... a tree must remove all debris from road surfaces, ditches and culvert openings.The opportunity to cut down a tree is also ...
Culverts and bridges are essential structures for water engineering, as they allow water to flow under or over roads, railways, and other obstacles. However, they also pose challenges in terms of ...
In addition, fly tipped waste had been found "within close proximity to the large diameter culvert close at the north western section of the lower tip plateau". The report also stated that the ...
Project funds will include nearly $10 million in federal tax dollars from the American Rescue Plan Act ... The city plans to unearth it The daylighting project involves replacing approximately 1,800 ...