The trailer for Pixar Animation Studios’ first-ever original series, “Win or Lose,” has been released, with the full series streaming on Disney+ on February 19. The animated show features ...
Jan. 16 (UPI) --Pixar released the trailer for the animated series Win or Lose on Thursday. The show premieres Feb. 19 on Disney+. Win or Lose tells the stories of parents and players on a kids ...
Told from eight different characters’ perspectives, Win or Lose “reveals what it actually feels like to be in the shoes of each character — the insecure kids, their helicopter parents ...
Starring Will Forte, the Win Or Lose trailer looks inventive and cool—as long as we don't spend too long thinking about what might have been. Screenshot: YouTube Knowledge can be a cursed thing.
Disney has shared a new trailer, posters and images for Win or Lose, the first original from animation maestros Pixar which follows the intertwined stories of eight different individuals as they ...
One story, told from eight sides. Watch the Win or Lose trailer for the upcoming Pixar original series. Win or Lose is coming to Disney+ on February 19, 2025. Pixar Animation Studios’ original ...
Pixar Animation Studios is venturing into new territory with Win or Lose, the studio’s first original TV series. The show tells the intertwined stories of eight characters as they gear up for a ...