Capri Holdings shares are plummeting nearly 50% in premarket trading Friday after a federal judge blocked Coach owner ...
Shares of Capri Holdings plunged after a US judge blocked its pending $8.5 billion merger with Coach owner Tapestry.
英为财情 - 周五(25日)盘前,道指、纳指期货皆升逾100点。美国9月耐用品订单环比下降0.8%,好于预期的下降1%,稍晚投资者还需关注密歇根大学消费者信心指数。
In her ruling Thursday, U.S. District Judge Jennifer Rochon noted that Tapestry Inc. and Capri Holdings are "close competitors" and that the merger would result in "the loss of head-to-head ...
The government’s court victory threatens the deal, which was set to put Michael Kors, Coach and Kate Spade under the same ...
智通财经APP获悉,周四美股盘后,美国时尚奢侈品集团Capri ...
周五,全球时尚奢侈品集团Capri Holdings (NYSE:CPRI)的股价目标被Telsey Advisory Group分析师下调至26.00美元,此前目标价为42.00美元。尽管如此,该公司仍维持对该股票的"市场表现"评级。 此次股价目标下调是在Capri Holdings于2023年8月同意以每股57美元的价格被TPR收购后发生的,该交易总价值85亿美元。自那时起,公司的销售额和盈利 ...
在Tapestry集团和Capri集团之间价值85亿美元的合并计划被叫停后,10月25日, Capri美股盘前跌超46% ,Tapestry盘前涨逾13%。 日前,美国联邦贸易委员会起诉美国奢侈品集团Tapestry和Capri ...
NEW YORK - A US judge on Thursday blocked fashion group Tapestry's $8.5-billion deal to buy Capri, which owns luxury brands ...
电动车巨头特斯拉(Tesla)的第三季度盈利和营运盈利率比预期好,带动该股股价在隔夜飙升22%,创下过去11年来的最佳单日涨幅。根据道琼斯市场数据,特斯拉隔夜市值增加1503亿美元,是该公司有史以来的最高增幅纪录。特斯拉目前的市值是8362亿美元。不 ...
Tapestry shares surged 12% after a federal judge blocked its $8.5B acquisition of Capri, whose shares plummeted nearly 46%.
SW Retail Advisors' Stacey Widlitz discusses the broader impact of the decision by a judge to block Tapestry's takeover of ...