Kriti Sanon and her rumored boyfriend, Kabir Bahia, went viral in a video where they, along with Kriti's sister Nupur and MS Dhoni, enjoyed Stebin Ben's live rendition of "Kya Hua Tera Vada" in Dubai.
Salman Khan's 59th birthday celebration in Jamnagar was a grand event, attended by family, close friends, and the Ambani family. After personal festivities, he joined the celebrations for the 25th ...
Chinese state-sponsored hackers breached the Treasury Department's computer security guardrails this month, according to a letter to lawmakers that Treasury officials provided to Reuters. United ...
The Houthis, an Iranian-backed group based in Yemen, have launched repeated attacks despite the Israeli military’s retaliatory airstrikes. By Adam Rasgon Stepped up attacks by Russia are ...