Der 90-minütige Rundgang vermittelt den Besuchern alle Informationen zur politischen Haft und Verfolgung während der sowjetischen Besatzung und der DDR. 44 Jahre politische Verfolgung: In der ...
The PORCUPINES are celebrating their 75th anniversary! Because they still haven't "gotten their heads shaved", as Erich ...
On 18 October 120 years ago, the landmark at the top of the Museum Island opened its doors for the first time. Today, the ...
The absolute highlight of the evening are the Wiesn Playboys – the party band heats up the atmosphere from 8 p.m. and ensures ...
"Nothing is more punitive than lending significance to an illness – since this significance is inevitably moral in nature." – ...
The expert discussion provides impetus for an ethically appropriate treatment of people on the border between life and death ...
The Romanisches Café is a stage for authors who live and write in Berlin today. The first guest is Pedro Kadivar, born in ...
The AURORA experiment: A person in a closed room. From one dawn to the next. Alone with themselves and an artificial intelligence. More precisely: with the voice of ChatGPT. More precisely: with ...
Humboldt-Universität has a rich collection of valuable art treasures. The collection also contains many works from the GDR ...
The artist Mio Okido (*1986 in the city of Sado, Sado Island, Niigata Prefecture, Japan; lives and works in Berlin since 2015) is presenting four new works. They were inspired by her artist residency ...
Tomer und Maria sind ein fesselndes Duo aus Berlin, dessen Musik Genres und Grenzen überschreitet. Ihre Auftritte sind eine intime Mischung aus gefühlvollem Gesang in Spanisch und Latino, gepaart mit ...
Prof Dr Gabriele Metzler has been Professor of the History of Western Europe and Transatlantic Relations at ...