For the full-time and part-time routes: The minimum entry requirement is an undergraduate degree classified as not less than a lower-second class honours (2:2) or equivalent. This can be either a law ...
An upper second-class UK Bachelor's degree in a health, science, business or economics related subject or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard. Graduates without the relevant degree ...
What experience did you gain? During my undergraduate course at Robert Gordon University (RGU), I completed a three-month internship at Cornerstone, where I was placed in their fundraising department.
Emma describes the satisfaction she gets from working as a meteorologist, seeing the impact and influence that her forecasts make on critical military operations How did you get your job as a ...
Previously a childminder, Hayley trained to be a proofreader in 2022, building experience that led to paid freelance work and then a full-time, permanent in-house role What degree did you study? I ...
Just months after graduating Bill is negotiating high spend contracts and traveling internationally for the world's largest offshore wind farm How did you get your job? In the third year of my ...