“Carry-on,” the new airport thriller on Netflix, is a pretty entertaining way to spend two hours. When discontented TSA officer Ethan Kopek (Taron Edgerton) goes to work on Christmas Eve, he ...
“Mufasa” is the hyper-realistic animated musical prequel to “The Lion King” that no one was asking for. To be honest, none of the Rivertown Reviewer team wanted to see “Mufasa,” due to ...
Mental health, school safety and student learning support were at the forefront Thursday night as Petaluma City Schools administrators sought community feedback on what should – and shouldn’t ...
What is it that comes around just once a year, arrives layered in vivid Christmas colors, tastes as delicious as it looks and pairs well with a nice, crisp Sangiovese wine? Honestly, there are ...
Aqus Cafe’s vibrant and somewhat surprising new show, titled “Art Under Foot: Manhole Covers From Around the World,” features aluminum-printed reproductions of the ubiquitous round “lids ...
There are plenty of auspicious dishes to welcome the New Year — black-eyed peas, greens, pork, noodles, sweet cornbread — but when it comes to New Year’s Eve, it’s best to be a little naughty.
Negotiations between Wright Elementary School District teachers and the district’s board of trustees have hit a standstill, prompting the teachers’ union to unanimously authorize a strike.